Good News

I’ve made it home for the holidays. After a 3 hour drive from where I live away from my parents, I’m back at their place and in one piece and tired as all hell. Sunday night/Monday morning messed me up something fierce, but yesterday I still managed to do laundry, clean my room, take out the trash, do dishes, and wrap all my Christmas presents for my family. And I went to the store!!! I’m very proud of myself, and I deserve a good, undisturbed rest.

Plus, ever since I got home today, my Mom’s been good about things. Like, a few things!!! For instance, she agreed with me about the sexist actions of the high school I went to, as they recently put the ladies at the holiday social through the ringer, and gave them 25 rules about dress code to the boys’ 2. There was a lot of dress code checking, and punishments given to only the girls, and that’s utter crap. Mom agreed with me about that, and I was proud of her for it.

What I’m most proud of her for, though, is getting my name right. She’s messed up a bunch, but either seconds or just a moment after she says my birth name, she’s started to correct herself, and I’m DAMN proud. She’s doing well, and has started correcting herself to say ‘guy’ instead of ‘girl’ and things like that. I’m really happy with how far she’s improved at getting this right, and I’m hoping it’ll continue. It needs to rub off on Dad, too, since I’m getting the feeling he’s gonna avoid saying my name/using gender words near me just so he doesn’t have to use my words.

Mom did the same thing previously, she was just vocal about it. I’m hoping I’m wrong, and Dad’ll fall in with the rest of everyone and use what’s right because it’s right, but I’ll be prepared to sit him down if he doesn’t.

My sister isn’t home because she’s at a friend’s house, but I’m excited to see her. I got her a great set of gifts this year, and I know she’ll like them.

Wow I am so tired. I noticed it at work, but it’s really really starting to hit now that I CAN actually go to sleep. I think I’ll just do that, then.

Goodnight, blog.

There’s a Reason for This

So I have a wordpress now.

There’s a reason I’ve made a new account on a different blogging site than I’m used to at 2:15am on a Monday in December. It’s because a) I have Things I want to say, and b) those Things do not belong on my other blog, which is on tumblr, and shall not be named yet. I may mention it later, maybe not.

For now, I’m going to get into what I came here to talk about.

Namely, my triggers, my gender, and depression, and how they affect me. 

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